Welcome to the Winnona Park Calendar Page. We will be updating and maintaining this page with Meeting Dates and Social events & activities for the year so please bookmark the page for your reference. If you have general questions, please contact the WPNA Board at For events & activities please contact the Social Committee Chair at
General Information
Block parties can happen anytime and are encouraged as well as partially funded by the social committee so if you are interested in hosting a block party, please let us know.
Please remember to update your membership! Membership Information
We can always use some help in coordinating social activities so if you are interested in helping out 30 minutes, 1 hour, a new activity, send me an email at your convenience.
City of Decatur Special Events you might want to go to with your neighbors -
----------------------------Past Events 2014-------------------------
Saturday, Aug 9, 2014 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. - Bring Your Bike Event
BRING YOUR BIKE EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED -Decatur PD will be there to register your bikes, Bicycle South to do helmet and safety checks, and there will be some light refreshments! Fingers crossed it won't rain again!
There will be a WPNA bike registration event under the pavillion at the Winnona Park Elementary School and a meet and greet for families with some activities for the kids. There will be representation from the Decatur PD to register your bikes and other family friendly activities! We hope to see you there! Look for future notices concerning this family and bike friendly event from Social Chair Kate Herring.
Thursday, Sept., 11, 2014 evening - Team WPNA Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk and Fitness Program
Team Decatur has invited Winnona Park to join Team Decatur as a WPNA group for the Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk and Fitness Program.
Team Decatur is a group of City of Decatur residents, employees and friends who participate in the annual KP Run/Walk 5K. This year's event is Thursday evening, September 11, at Turner Field.
Members have fun, get fit, and get a FREE Team Decatur t-shirt to wear during the race. Team members join together before and after the run/walk at the Team Tent to enjoy refreshments and make new friends at the "World's Largest Office Party!" Last year Team Decatur had over 200 members - half runners, half walkers, ages 13 to 83!
We would love to have a strong showing for Winnona Park - there will be special swag and prizes for our WPNA group!
The big after party is all complimentary - food catered by Oakhurst Market!
To sign up go to the Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk Web site: Click "Join a Corporate Team" and search "Team Decatur." The cost is $25.00
Please email me at to let me know you joined - I am keeping track of the runners in our group.
Thank you all for the support, we are looking forward to a great Winnona Park turn-out.
Saturday, July 19, 2014 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. - Bring Your Bike Event
There will be a WPNA bike registration event under the pavillion at the Winnona Park Elementary School and a meet and greet for families with some activities for the kids. There will be representation from the Decatur PD to register your bikes and other family friendly activities! We hope to see you there! Look for future notices concerning this family and bike friendly event from Social Chair Kate Herring.
Tuesday, May, 27, 2014 7:00 P.M. - WPNA Community Meeting
Winnona Park Neighbors -
The Winnona Park Neighborhood Association (WPNA) will hold a Community Meeting on Tuesday, May 27th at 7:00 PM. It will be held in the cafetorium at the Winnona Park Elementary School located at 510 Avery Street. The easiest entrance is to come around behind the school on the north side and enter from Poplar Circle, walking up the sidewalk past the fishpond to the doors leading directly into the cafetorium.
At this meeting we gather to regroup and re-energize our neighborhood association. We have found individuals to fill the vacancies in our officer and committee chair positions, so elections will be held for those positions. There is newfound excitement and new ideas are being discussed by the Executive Committee so there will be a focus on upcoming WPNA sponsored events and neighborhood branding. We will also propose finalizing Bylaws changes that were preliminarily approved by the membership designed to broaden our geographic boundaries to include nearby households in the City of Decatur that are not represented by a neighborhood association, and enabling families zoned to WPES that are outside our geographic boundaries the opportunity to be members of the WPNA.
There will be the usual committee reports, police department report and door prize raffle. If you have something you would like to have on the agenda that evening, send an email to and we will try to accommodate.
Not currently a member of the WPNA? You can find a mail-in application on our website at:
We hope to see everyone on Tuesday May 27th.
Have a great week,
WPNA Executive Committee
Tuesday, Feb., 4, 2014 7:00 P.M. - WPNA Membership Meeting
Winnona Park Neighbors -
The next WPNA membership meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm Tuesday, February 4th. It will be held in the cafe at the Winnona Park Elementary School located at 510 Avery Street. The easiest entrance is to come around behind the school on the north side and enter from Poplar Circle, walking up the sidewalk past the fish pond to the doors leading directly into the cafe.
At this meeting we will focus on the community news, activities for the upcoming year, and officer elections. The WPNA Board positions that need to be filled this year include: President, Secretary and Social Chair (or Co-Chairs). Updates on membership and a proposed 2014 budget will be presented.
Additionally, the Board has invited the City of Decatur Planning Director and City Commissioners to join the meeting to provide an update on Proposed Tree Ordinance as well as an explanation and timeline for the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Please note - in an effort to keep the meeting to a reasonable length the Board's intent is for the City Planning Director/Commissioners to offer an informational presentation to the membership regarding these Ordinances and answer questions. It is not intended to be a debate or public hearing; other opportunities are provided by the City for citizens to present their opinions on these matters, including the online option at
The Board is looking forward to another great year.
We hope to see everyone on February 4 and encourage everyone to get involved.
Have a great week,
WPNA Board
